Monitor the physical environment and receive alerts of any disturbances, such as unauthorized intruders, security breaches, high temperatures, smoke, water leakages, power outages and more.
Compatible with the AKCP range of Intelligent Sensors, the SEC5E provides a complete environmental, access control and security solution for up to 500 connected sensors.
The securityProbe5E has a Linux Operating System running an iMX25 CPU. An additional 2 Gigabytes SD card can be installed to provide greater storage capacity.
An internal GSM cellular modem is available as an option for sites with unreliable network connections.
Networked Monitoring
It is TCP / IP compliant and runs lighttpd web server including https (SSL), Bash, Perl, Telnet, PHP, Email and Nagios.
The SEC5E has an easy-to-use web-based user interface for sensor configuration, data collection and visual graphing.
The SEC5E supports SNMP v3 with full encryption.
The securityProbe 5ESVA also supports Modbus Master / Slave, Modbus RTU and Modbus over TCP / IP creating a unique, easy to configure Modbus to SNMP gateway.
The web-based interface is written in PHP allowing end-user changes such as language translation. The SEC5E has a battery time of day clock for accurate record keeping.